
The Exports section gives you access to any report that you require. Clicking the CSV Report button downloads that particular report in CSV file format.

Available Exports

The Available Exports section allows access to any export required within Manage1to1. Click on the Generated CSV Report button to download that particular report.

Available Exports Tab
Available Exports Tab
  • User Export – This export provides a full export of all user information in Manage1to1.
  • Insurance Export – This report provides a generic report of checked out devices and the associated user. It can also be used to submit for insurance claims.
  • Checked In Report – A report that shows the devices that are NOT checked out and that should be in stock (Active Devices).
  • Missing Devices – This report will provide a CSV of devices still checked out to users. Use the pull down menu to select grade level.
  • Loaners Given Export – This export will provide a CSV that shows the number of loaners given by user for the specified time period. (Enter Start and End dates for the given fields.)
  • Device Export – This export provides a full export of all device information in Manage1to1.
  • Schoology Export – This report provides a generic report that covers the basic information needed for a Schoology Import/Update. At this time, it exports the entire “Active Students” list in all grade levels.
  • Dovestones Export – This report will provide a CSV in the format used by Dovestones AD Bulk Users.
  • Transactions Export – This export will provide a CSV that will show the transactions applied to invoices for the specified date range. (Enter Start and End dates for the given fields.)
  • Devices Checked In/Out Export – This export will provide a CSV that shows the devices handed out and/or returned for the specified time period. (Choose an option from the Desired Results pull down menu plus enter Start and End dates for the given fields.)
  • Incidents Export – This export will provide a CSV that will show the incidents and related data for the specified date range.
  • Bulk PDF Invoice Generation – This will generate a bulk PDF export of invoices matching the criteria specified.
Updated on September 14, 2021
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