View Reports

The View Reports section allows a wide range of options when specific reports are required. The View Reports buttons give you quick access to each report and allows exporting in 3 easy formats.

Available Reports

This section shows all available reports for both user and device based. Click on the View Report button to see report data.

Available Reports Tab
Available Reports Tab

User-Based Reports

This section displays reports for any user that is in your Manage1to1 environment.

User-Based Report Tab
User-Based Report Tab
  • Users Without Devices – This report shows the users that are active and inactice.
  • Open Invoices – This report shows any open invoices in Manage1to1 and who they belong to.
  • Restricted Plans – This report shows active users with restricted plans and the plan details.
  • User AUP/Fee Status – This report shows the users and the status of their AUP/Fee Paid.
  • Payment Transactions – This report shows payments made in the system and relational data for the associated invoices.

Device-Based Reports

This section displays reports for any device that is in your Manage1to1 environment.

Device-Based Reports Tab
Device-Based Reports Tab
  • Checked Out Devices – This report shows the devices that are currently checked out and who they are checked out to.
  • Outstanding Loaners – This report shows the loaners that are currently still checked out.
  • Checked In Devices – This report shows all devices not hidden in the system that are currently checked in.
  • Device Status – This report shows all of the devices in Manage1to1, you can filter this by device status.

Administrative Reports

This section shows all administrative reports for staff incidents. Click on the View Report button to see report data.

Administrative Reports Tab
Administrative Reports Tab
  • Staff Incidents – This report provides a breakdown of Incidents created by each staff member on a monthly basis. You can filter this by month and by staff member.
Updated on September 14, 2021
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