OneRoster Setup

The Settings >> System Automation >> OneRoster tab of Manage1to1 is how you can import buildings and students from a OneRoster source.

It is not recommended to switch between OneRoster sources after you have begun using a different one. Consult support prior to doing this.

Important Notes

  • When OneRoster is enabled, it is not possible to Add or Remove Buildings in your district.
  • If enabling OneRoster after Manage1to1 is setup, ensure the OneRoster School Building “sourcedId” value matches the Building SIS field in Building Management.
  • OneRoster sync requires a one time Sync of the School Buildings upon connection
  • OneRoster sync will occur according to the schedule set in Automation Settings

What is OneRoster?

OneRoster allows schools to securely and reliably exchange roster information between systems – their SIS and Manage1to1 in this case. More information on OneRoster and specifications can be found on the IMSGlobal website:

Supported OneRoster Systems

Manage1to1 relies on our user feedback to develop the product. At the time of this article publication, we support the following OneRoster systems:

  • Infinite Campus
  • ClassLink

Enabling OneRoster Provider

Enabling OneRoster in Manage1to1 is very easy. Simply follow the documentation for the specific system you wish to enable below. Upon completion of the provider-specific steps, return back to this document to continue to the section of Next Steps below.

Infinite Campus API

Next Steps

Building Sync

Building Sync Successful

The next step is to perform the Building Synchronization. After you have successfully connected, choose Synchronize Building. This step is crucial as students belonging to buildings that are not present in Manage1to1 will be ignored. Upon successful synchronization you can move to the initial Student Sync.

Student Sync

When you are ready to load the initial student list from your OneRoster provider, choose Synchronize Users. This may take significant time depending on how large your district is. Please do not navigate away from the page until you see a completion notice.

Continued Automation

Manage1to1 will continue to import from the OneRoster provider on a daily basis if you have enabled Student Sync in Automation Settings.

You can also manually run a sync at any time via this screen and the Synchronize Users button.

Updated on May 24, 2022
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