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2.5 Release Notes

Version 2.5.0 introduces many optimizations and updates for Manage1to1.

Release Details

Release DateJune 1st, 2019
Release TypeStable – Major

Notable Change

  • Full audit logging of incidents was introduced. Incidents will now log every action performed by an admin in Manage1to1. This history is not able to be deleted.
  • Each administrative user can now specify their own desired display settings for the various tables throughout Manage1to1.
  • There is now an ability to display the List Prices of an item on the Invoices being generated.
  • There is now an ability to show a specific building address on an invoice associated with that invoice.
  • EULA has been updated and is required to be accepted by a District Administrator upon next login.


BUGMAN-292Resolved Issue preventing the creation of Admins
BUGMAN-290Work Order Report was unable to render
FEATUREMAN-295Introduced More Robust Logging with incidents
BUGMAN-296Resolved Issue resulting in an error when a checkout receipt was printed
BUGMAN-301Resolved Issue in which the Column Filter defaulted to “All” instead of the selected value
FEATUREMAN-294Introduced Per-User settings for table displays
IMPROVEMENTMAN-302Added additional filtering options on the View Incident Screen
IMPROVEMENTMAN-244Added a Filter by Device Status Report
BUGMAN-299Resolved issue with Session timeout message not rendering
BUGMAN-316Fixed “Add Photos” button returning an invalid URL in Incidents
IMPROVEMENT MAN-304Refined reCaptcha Integration
IMPROVEMENT MAN-317Added pre-defined imports for letter grades (K, PK, etc)
FEATUREMAN-313Added the ability to display List Prices of items
FEATUREMAN-319Added per-building address capabilities for Invoices
BUGMAN-331Resolved UI issue with Adding/Editing Incident Flags
NOTEMAN-309Require EULA agreement to be signed for first logged in Admin
IMPROVEMENTMAN-337Auto-Login to the Admin Area if a valid session already exists when viewing main URL
BUGMAN-335Ensure Bulk Generate Device Fees in System Utilities only shows if Device Fees are Enabled
BUGMAN-330Introduce additional logic to ensure Duplicate Checkouts are not possible when double clicked
BUGMAN-336Ensure if the Admin does not exist any longer, the name is returned as “N/A”
BUGMAN-334Resolve an issue where Email Templates do not show the proper merge fields
Updated on March 4, 2022
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