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3.0 Release Notes

Version 3.0 introduces a brand new layout and increased optimization on all pages. Additionally a global search feature has been added.

Version 3.0.3

Release Details

Release DateSeptember 5th, 2020
Release TypeMaintenance

Notable Changes

  • Various Maintenance Items


Type Issue Description
BUGMAN-499Photos broken if the admin does not have LocalID permissions
BUGMAN-497Unable to change status of Incidents without a user assigned
BUGMAN-496Allow users to be edited if over license count
BUGMAN-495Grade inaccurate in Incident Snapshots
BUGMAN-500Ensure Invoice Permissions Pass through correctly
BUGMAN-498Incident Photo Upload not working and has incorrect text

Version 3.0.2

Release Details

Release DateAugust 11th, 2020
Release TypeMaintenance

Notable Changes

  • Introduced additional report filters on various reports
  • Various improvements


BUGMAN-499Photos broken if the admin does not have LocalID permissions
BUGMAN-497Unable to change status of Incidents without a user assigned
BUGMAN-496Allow users to be edited if over license count
BUGMAN-495Grade inaccurate in Incident Snapshots
BUGMAN-500Ensure Invoice Permissions Pass through correctly
BUGMAN-498Incident Photo Upload not working and has incorrect text

Version 3.0.1

Release Details

Release DateJuly 27th, 2020
Release TypeMaintenance

Notable Changes

  • Introduced batch Invoice PDF processing
  • Allow both per-user and per-device insurance


BUGMAN-466Device checkouts have incorrect data when upgrading
BUGMAN-463Device OS is inaccurate on the Device Edit page
BUGMAN-461Unable to modify existing invoices
BUGMAN-469User Incident History is missing
BUGMAN-470Unable to remove Invoice Transactions
BUGMAN-455Graduation Year ignores the currently set school year
FEATUREMAN-468Allow both Per-User & Per-Device Insurance to be set
FEATUREMAN-458Introduce Batch Invoice PDF processing
BUGMAN-472Adding an Invoice from the User Profile screen does not bind the invoice to the user automatically
BUGMAN-471Email Address Fields processing as required even when optional
BUGMAN-467Polish 3rd party integrations display in the UI
BUGMAN-473Ensure non-loaner devices do not require a loaner number to add or modify


Release Details

Release DateJuly 3rd, 2020
Release TypeStable – Major

Notable Changes

  • Introduced a brand new layout
  • Optimized all scripting on all pages to decrease loading time
  • Introduced a global, intelligent search feature
  • Introduced customizable Invoice Statuses


IMPROVEMENTMAN-406School Year Rollover resets Device Fee and AUP Flags for Student Users
IMPROVEMENTMAN-415Additional Options to for Automation Student Updated Introduced
IMPROVEMENTMAN-419Standardized Date Formatting
IMPROVEMENTMAN-363Improved Licensing Handling for Overages, Suspensions, and Expired Licenses
IMPROVEMENTMAN-412Prevent the Display of Account Overdue Status to Non-Point of Contact Users
FEATUREMAN-338Documentation Links are now Provided on Every Page
FEATUREMAN-352Introduced a new Layout Theme
FEATUREMAN-220Google SSO Login Integration
FEATUREMAN-369Global Intelligent Searching
FEATUREMAN-420Customizable Invoice Statuses
FEATUREMAN-431Incident Export
FEATURE MAN-408Robust Email Templating
FEATURE MAN-449Printable Incident Snapshot
FEATURE MAN-454Daily Flagged Incident Email
FEATURE MAN-287Bulk Staff Import Utility
FEATURE MAN-456Selectable Username Generation Type
FEATURE MAN-88Email End User when an Incident Status is set to “Waiting Pickup”
BUGMAN-357Resolved Incident Photo Error
BUGMAN-358Resolved all record logging date inconsistencies
BUGMAN-360Activity Log Cleanup was terminating daily tasks
BUGMAN-364Unable to set visibility for Device Type/Model
BUGMAN-365Incidents will not update as Flagged
BUGMAN-368Unable to delete Users, Devices, Incidents, or Invoices due to Notes being present
BUGMAN-402Cannot set a Device as a Loaner
BUGMAN-403Device Export times out
BUGMAN-404Cannot update email addresses via automated Student Update Import
BUGMAN-413Staff Import File is being ignored
BUGMAN-414CSV is not recognized on machines without Excel installed during the Upload
BUGMAN-416Ensure Email Templates are not stripping formatting
BUGMAN-418Cannot create or update incidents with no associated user
BUGMAN-437Checkout Device button is missing under certain circumstances
BUGMAN-443Cannot unhide or hide devices via UI
Error if an image size cannot be calculated while emailing an invoice with associated images
BUGMAN-455Graduation Year calculates from the current date and time instead of the configured school year
Updated on March 4, 2022
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