Device Profiles

Device profiles house all of the important information about a specific device within Manage1to1. This includes current user information, device specific information (such as Serial number, asset tags or custom fields), as well as all historical information regarding this device. These are categorized into multiple tabs.

Device Profile main screen

Device Snapshot Pane

The Device Snapshot pane remains visible on all tabs and contains a quick overview of the specific device being viewed. Within this pane you are also able to check out/in the device, create an incident related to this device, and if you have Google Sync enabled, view a lot of data about the device returned from Google.

ChromeOS Information

This option only appears on devices in which the Serial Number matches a device within the Google ChromeOS Console AND if you have successfully enabled and authorized Manage1to1 to sync Google Device Data.

General Tab

ChromeOS Info Window – General Tab

In the ChromeOS Info General Tab contains a quick overview of important data provided from Chrome. Depending on the model of Chrome device, you may have more or less fields (such as ethernet MAC, wifi MAC, etc) visible on this page.

System Information Tab

ChromeOS Info Window – System Information Tab

The system information tab will contain more detailed information about the device hardware such as Memory, Disk Space & Usage, CPU version, etc. Contained on this page also is the Google-determined software support end date.

Diagnostic Info Tab

This tab is a raw output of the data returned from Google for the device. There is an option to download this diagnostic data into a text file via the Save Diagnostics button.

Device Information Tab

The device information contains 3 primary panes which are outlined below

Device Information: This pane contains all of the hardware specific information for this device such as the Brand, Model, Serial Number, and Asset Tag. Additionally, this pane has the ability to showcase unlimited custom field data that you configure.

Current User: If the device you are viewing is currently checked out to an individual, a brief snippet of information including a user photo, name, and building/grade information will be displayed. If the device is not checked out, it will display a message explaining this as well.

Current Incidents: Displayed in this pane are any active (non closed/resolved) incidents that are open for this device.

Incident History Tab

This tab contains all of the historical (and any current) incidents that have occurred with this device. This data will always remain in Manage1to1 and is especially important for making decisions on whether or not to continue repairs of a device.

Insurance Tab

If you have enabled Insurance Tracking in Manage1to1, this tab will become visible. This will contain any device-based insurance plans that you have setup for this device, including the start and end dates for the specific coverage/policy. This data is used throughout Manage1to1 to highlight whether or not a specific device is covered by an insurance plan.

Note: Manage1to1 also supports user-based insurance which function is similar, however the coverage follows the user and would cover any device at the time that insurance is active and they have a device in their possession.

User History Tab

This tab will contain all of the users that have had the device checked out to them. Clicking the (+) symbol next to the user’s name will reveal additional data about the checkout, such as the specific timestamps and staff member who completed the checkout/return.

Notes Tab

This tab allows you to document any pertinent notes about a device that will always stick with the device. This is particularly useful for instances in which you may need to jot down something that the district has elected not to repair, or a known defect with this particular device, etc.

Updated on May 24, 2022
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