Incident Settings Tab

The Incident Settings tab allows you to manage the various incident statuses and incident flags that will help you organize and provide reports for your district.

Incident Management

Send “Waiting for Pickup” Email on Incident Status Change

Enabling this option will send an email to the end user associated with the incident using the template “Your Device is Ready for Pickup”. This message can be customized in the Email Templates screen.

 Incident Management Tab
Incident Management Tab

Incident Flags

Incident flags are utilized in incident taking and reporting. They can also be setup to have optional alerts associated with them.

Incident Flags Tab
Incident Flags Tab

As many reports are based on the “Physical Damage” name, you are not able to delete it. However, you can hide or rename it if you wish to not utilize this flag.

Adding a Flag

To add a new Incident Flag, choose the Add Flag button in the upper right corner of the incident flags box. A window will appear, prompting the creation of a new flag.

Add Flag Tab
Add Flag Tab

Flag Status: Select this box to display this flag as an option when creating/modifying incidents

Flag Name: Text name of the incident

Flag IconFontAwesome Icon Name (See Below)

Alert Admin: Selecting this box will set an alert if this flag is selected by an admin who does not have the “Acknowledge Alerts” permission.

Modifying a Flag

Modifying an existing flag will change any existing incidents utilizing the flag you are modifying.

To modify an existing incident flag, choose the Edit button on the row of the flag you wish to edit. A window will appear allowing the edit of the flag.

Modify Flag Tab
Modify Flag Tab

Deleting a Flag

A Flag cannot be deleted if it has been used in an incident.

If you no longer need a flag, you may delete it by pressing the Delete button on the row of the flag you wish to delete.


Taking advantage of modern HTML5 technology, we utilize a font-based icon system to ensure fast rendering and consistency across platforms. For this we utilize FontAwesome Pro.

To view the full list of either FontAwesome, please refer to the links below:


Please note, when when referring to FontAwesome, you must use the proper FontAwesone icon name shown on their website under the “Icon Class”.


fal fa-frown
fas fa-check

Incident Status

Keep track of your incident progress. Manage1to1 comes with a few pre-loaded statuses, but you have have as many or as few as you’d like. Color coordinate for an even easier way to view and organize incidents.

Incident Status Tab
Incident Status Tab

Adding a Status

To add a new incident status, choose the Add Status button in the upper right corner of the incident status box. A window will appear, prompting the creation of a new status.

Add Status Tab
Add Status Tab

Status Name: Text name of the status

Background Color: The color of the status shown throughout the incidents screens

Background Options: A preview of what the status will look like

Modifying a Status

Modifying an existing status will change any existing incidents utilizing the Status you are modifying.

To modify an existing incident status, choose the Edit button on the row of the status you wish to edit. A window will appear, allowing the edit of the status.

Modify Status Tab
Modify Status Tab

Deleting a Status

A status cannot be deleted if it has been used in an incident.

If you no longer need a status, you may delete it by pressing the Delete button on the row of the status you wish to delete.

Updated on March 4, 2022
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