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2.3 Release Notes

Version 2.3 had major backend work has been completed to optimize overall performance of Manage1to1. Additionally 2.3 introduced CSV Device importing and various UI enhancements.

What’s New?

The 2.3 series brings some fantastic new features and improvements:

  • CSV Device Importing
  • Overall Backend Scripting Improvements
  • Additional User Logging


Release Details

Release DateNovember 4th, 2018
Release TypeStable – Maintenance

Notable Changes

  • Per-User Audit Logging
  • Customizable record limits for various tables


BUGMAN-221Cannot create a new incident if Device Insurance is active
BUGMAN-219Incident Flags appearing in Incident Status Configuration
BUGMAN-228Automated Imports not Running as Scheduled
FEATUREMAN-171Per-User Activity Log
IMPROVEMENTMAN-226Improve Wildcard Searching logic
BUGMAN-227Ensure Dates are sorted by Chronological order and not Numeric value
FEATUREMAN-225Custom Default Record Limits
FEATUREMAN-218Customized Lower Grade Level Displays
FEATUREMAN-230Web-Based Student CSV Import
FEATUREMAN-110Full Email Log on Incident Profile with Copy of Email Viewable


Release Details

Release DateOctober 22nd, 2018
Release TypeStable – Maintenance

Notable Changes

  • General Maintenance


BUGMAN-210Ensure Incident Page Properly Loads Buildings
BUGMAN-211Incident Profile only shows one student
BUGMAN-207Ensure all actions where a Client ID exists are logged
IMPROVEMENTMAN-217Optimize Loading of “View All” pages
BUGMAN-214Invoice Email Autofilling the incorrect Student
BUGMAN-215Invoices not assigned to a specific user are invisible
BUGMAN-213Some students in “Users without Devices” report have devices
BUGMAN-216Cannot add insurance to a device
FEATUREMAN-212In-App Version Update Notices


Release Details

Release DateOctober 16th, 2018
Release TypeStable – Major

Notable Changes

  • Backend performance updates
  • CSV Device Import
  • Notifications for failed Automatic Import attempts


BUGMAN-182Quantity & Pricing Fields Swapped on Add Invoice
BUGMAN-183Unable to Edit or Add New Devices Manually
BUGMAN-190View Invoices link in the Invoice Profile Incorrect
BUGMAN-193Print Invoice Used the MSRP instead of the Actual Sales Price
IMPROVEMENTMAN-191Update Datatables to Latest Release
IMPROVEMENTMAN-187Optimize Query Lookups
IMPROVEMENTMAN-184Filter for Column Headers for Auto Imports
FEATUREMAN-181Ability to Add Transaction Numbers when Applying Payments
BUGMAN-192Some Exports showing filter values and not heading
FEATUREMAN-186AUP/Device Fee Report
BUGMAN-194Ensure Rapid Checkout only checks out to active users
FEATUREMAN-195Admin Email Notifications for Import Issues
FEATUREMAN-199License Limit Approaching Warning
FEATUREMAN-185CSV Device Self-Importing
BUGMAN-196Invoice name field disappearing
IMPROVEMENTMAN-201Update to FontAwesome 5.4.1
BUGMAN-200Incident Flag Notices not Appearing
BUGMAN-202Custom Tab not rendering in Client Profile when data is present
BUGMAN-209Loaners Given Export does not contain a building name
IMPROVEMENTMAN-206Optimize Active & Inactive Incident Loading
BUGMAN-203Device Profile Page Not Loading
BUGMAN-204Unable to Edit Incidents

Updated on March 4, 2022
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