Google Settings

Manage1to1 offers a robust integration with the Google platform. This includes Single Sign On and Google Device Information Sync.

Google API

Google API Window

There are 2 steps required to setup the Google SSO and an optional third step for the full Google Device Sync function:

  1. Create a Google Developer Project and Retrieve API Credentials
  2. Activating Google SSO within Manage1to1
  3. Authorizing Google Device Sync within Manage1to1

Creating a Google Developer Project and Retrieving API Credentials

Google SSO requires a Google Developer Project and API Credential Set. You may create this using your existing Google account, or create a dedicated user account for this (recommended). Users will only see the App Name you define and not see anything relating to the account you use to create the project.


The Google account in which you create the Developer Project can not be changed without requiring users to re-authenticate and re-link their accounts. It is important to set up the Project under an account that you will always have access to, which is why a dedicated user account is recommended. This account’s email address does not need to match in Manage1to1, but if enabling Google Sync will need to be used during the Authorization process.

Under the Project selector, choose Create project
Enter a Project Name and click Create (This name is private to you)
Next you will be taken to the project dashboard. From here, select API’s & Services >> Credentials in the left sidebar.

Before creating credentials, you must complete the OAuth Consent Screen configuration. If you have already done this, you can skip the next section and continue with Continuing Credential Configuration.

  • Click the Configure Consent Screen button.
Choose Internal as the User Type for the integration and press Create
  • Enter an App Name, homepage url (your district homepage) and logo url (the name and logo you define here will be what users see when being asked to authorize access).
  • Enter as the Authorized Domain
  • Once complete, click Save & Continue. Make no further changes on the Scopes page, and press Save & Continue once again.
  • Choose Credentials on the left sidebar once again.

Continuing Credential Configuration

  • From the Credentials screen, select Create credentials > OAuth client ID.
  • Choose Web Application, and the screen will populate. Fill the appropriate fields out as shown below:
Provide a Name for the credential set (this is not visible to the public) and the authorized JavaScript origins and redirect URIs.
Enter your full URL for Manage1to1 (do not include the /admin) in both the authorized JavaScript origin and redirect URI boxes. In the example here we are using “”.
Include the URI “”
Press Create once finished.
  • Your Client ID and secret will then be displayed. These are the values you will need to activate Google Sign In within Manage1to1. Please ensure you store these in a safe place.
  • (Optional) While logged in, enable the Admin SDK API for the project if you wish to enable Google Device Sync – Instructions Below
  • You can now proceed to Activate Google within Manage1to1.

Enabling Admin SDK API

  • Visit
  • If not logged in, login to your Google account (ensure you are using the account you wish to authorize access to the API in Manage1to1 with)
  • Under the Project selector, choose the Manage1to1 project you created earlier
  • Choose APIs & Services >> Enabled APIs & Services
  • Select the ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button
Search for admin sdk api and choose the Admin SDK API from the results screen
  • Press the Enable button
  • You will be redirected to a API/Service detail page. This indicates the API was successfully enabled for this project.
  • You may now return to Manage1to1 to continue.

Activating the Google API/SSO within Manage1to1

Upon enabling the API, this will enable seamless Google Single Sign-On for Manage1to1. This step is required prior to enabling the Google Device Data Sync

  1. Navigate to Settings >> Google Settings
  2. Select the Activate button in the Google API pane
  3. Enter your Google Client ID and Client Secret in the corresponding boxes
  4. Click Save, validation will occur prior to saving complete

Authorizing and Enabling Google Device Data Sync

You must have enabled the Admin SDK API in the project during the first step for the Authorization to work properly.

After the above Google API/SSO has been enabled, you must authorize Manage1to1 to access the ChromeOS API and perform the initial data sync.

Google Authorization Screen
  1. Navigate to Settings >> Google Settings
  2. On the right pane titled Chrome Devices, choose Authorize the application. A popup window will be opened requiring you to login to a Google Administrator account.
  3. Upon authorization, you can perform an immediate sync by choosing Sync Devices
Updated on May 15, 2024
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